My Mom, My Hero

Jan. 2007 I was diagnosed with 3rd stage breast cancer. At age 45, having mamograms since age 18, a registered nurse, and single, I never expected I would need caregivers. Knowing what I do, how could it be that advanced, My family and I were devastated with the diagnosis. For the next 10 months my family ralied around me. Chemo, mastectomy, radiation. Mom pretty much stayed with me for the entire time. Making the 11 hr trip back to TN. every few weeks to take care of business. Sept. 2010 will be my 3rd birthday. My family calls me their hero, they are my heroes. I wouldn't have survived without them. I am blessed to have all of you. Thankyou Mom, I love you. Tawni, Gaines Michigan

Tawni Smith
Gaines, MI