My mom and I

The summer of 2010 was when my life changed, my Mom had been fighting her own cancer battle that was quickly coming to an end. I had spent the last two months of her life taking care of her, she lost her battle August 31, 2010. One week later, I was taking a bath and discovered a lump in my right breast. And the world wind begins.

I immediately made an appointment with my family doctor, who sent me in for a mammogram, she thought it was nothing, but scheduled it anyway. After the mammogram, I was told I had Invasive Ductal Carcanoma. Then approximately about 6 weeks later I was scheduled for a double mastectomy. After the mastectomy, I was allergic to the implants and caught a severe infection in my chest. The day before Thanksgiving, I was admitted into the hospital because the infection was so bad, I stayed in the hospital until a week before Christmas, then had to deal with Christmas, I had promised my Mom to keep the family traditions.

At this point I became deeply depressed, I had no time to mourn for my Mom, dealing with the double mastectomy and now beginning my chemo. I remember a nurse I had that very first day, She hooks these medications up and when she got to a red one, she said "This one makes your hair fall out", No sensitivity, just matter of fact. My hair was long, I didn't think about losing it till then. This to added to the depression. I just went to chemo and stayed in bed.

Three years later, I am cancer free. I trusted in God to help me. My favorite saying is "If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it" My story is mine and every story is different, but we must encourage others to never give up.
We must fight with everything we have inside us. Remind people in your life about self breast exams and maybe one day we won't need to remind them. May God bless you through your journey.

plainfield, IN