My mammogram saved my life

I had my first mammogram at the age of 48. I don't know why I waited so long...I guess it was one of those things that I kept putting off. After I had the mammogram I remember thinking "that wasn't so bad...why did I wait so long"? Imagine my surprise when I received a call that I needed to come back for more testing. After another mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy I was diagnosed with Stage II cancer. I had a mastectomy which revealed three tumors. I had always done self exams and never felt the lumps. I had even had a physical three months before and my doctor didn't find any lumps. The cancer was also in one of my lymph nodes and the surgeon didn't get a clean margin. I had eight rounds of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation and am now taking Tamoxifen. My oncologist tells me I have an excellent chance of survival. I feel very fortunate. After the new mammogram recommendations came out in November, my surgeon's office called and asked if I would speak at a press conference with my surgeon about the importance of women under the age of 50 getting mammograms. I was honored to do so. I now remind all my friends to schedule their yearly mammograms.

Nancy White
Lewisburg, PA