My long journey with breast cancer

It has been a year since I found out I had breast cancer. The first couple of weeks went really fast. It didn't have time to set in that this was happening to me. But when the treatments started I had time to sit and think of what was going on. It shocked me at first. But I keep remembering the things my grandma told me. She had cancer and lost the fight. So I had to show her I could beat it just for her. I haven't done the journey alone, I have a great family that stands tall beside me. I was blessed to have a great team of doctors. The jurney has been long, But I have made it. 3/27/013 was my very first surgery, I had a double masectamy done, I then did 4 months of chemo and I'm still doing the hursepton treatment. Those will be done here in May 2014. Having gone through all this has made me a very strong person. I look at life differently now. I live it day to day, I have 4 boys from the age 17 to 5 years of age. When I desided to go through all the treatments I was thinking about my children they need me here to take care of them. I have a amazing husband that helped keep my head up and take care of me through this all. The chemo got me down alittle, But the ulasta shoot was the kick in the butt. That made my feel really bad. But through all this having a amazing support group, family and friends. So to all that is fighting the greater fight. Keep your head up stand tall and tell yourself this cancer is not going to beat me I'm going to beat it. I did and now I've been cancer free for a year now.

Audreana Belden
Norfolk, VA