My Little Miricle.

Imagine my surprise!! 42 years old and going to have a baby!!!! I had one child, a 12 year old boy who was (and still is) my Pride and Joy! Long story short," . On Christmas Day 2006 I found out I was going to be a Mom again! I was in a state of Shock and at the same time Estatic. I was going to have another baby.! All went well until my 7th month. While doing my monthly self breast exam, I found a lump in my left breast. I started to panic, then reminded myself that I was pregnant, and it was most likley a Milk duct that was clogged. I made sure to tell my Doctor the next day at my appt. My Doctor examined me and said he just wasn't sure and had me set up an appt with the Breast Center. . I was three weeks from my due date, 2weeks from my planned c-section. My Breast was bi-opsied, and the next day at my Dr appt I was Told I had Breast Cancer.My first though as I sat there was, "I am going to die" My very next thought was, Oh No I am NOT!!!!! They scheduled me for a c-section the next day, I had another beautiful baby boy. I chose a lumpectomy. I underwent 6 months of chemo, 32 radiation treatments, and have been caner free for two years. I will beat this, I will see my children get older, and I will, someday become a Grandma." My oncologist told me that.....If I had not gotten Pregnant, I would not have found that that lump, my Cancer was hormonal. Being pregnant made it easier to find. I still "Check Myself" every month. And I cherish every moment with my family!

Diana Eggleston
Phoenix, AZ