My Life.

Two years ago in March I found a lump in my breast, had a consultation with my GP who sent me for a mammogram, ultra sound scan and biopsy. Once the results were available, my GP came to our ho,e and personally broke the news about this being Cancer, then he knelt down beside us both and prayed the most beautiful prayer - it was Holy Week Services just before Easter and seemed very significant and meaningful at the time. I saw the Specialist and had a Lumpectomy a week later. My GP assisted and was also able to pray with me before going into Theatre. The operation was fine, but I had problems with the drains together with an infection which cleared after much prayer. I was referred to a very nice Oncologist who sent me for various tests, etc and made a decision for me to only have Radiation treatment for six weeks. The Radiologists were wonderful girls and I had no problems whatsoever with the treatment or afterwards and know that my Father's hand was upon me at all times. I am now on Arimidex for 5 years - there are side-effects to this, but I am eternally grateful for the Doctors, Specialists, Oncologists and Radiologists who treated and still treat me so sensitively and also for my overall health. I trust our Father every moment of every day for continued health. Thank you for allowing me to share my story. May this help someone somewhere - we are all on life's journey.

as above
Howick, KwaZulu, Natal, South Africa