My Journey

A week or so before Thanksgiving 2013 I found a lump in my left breast. I called my primary doctor and told him what I found and requested that he schedule a mammogram. I had the mammogram and an ultrasound done. A couple of days before thanksgiving a biopsy was done that confirmed I had breast cancer. On December 31, 2013 I had a double mastectomy done. Simple on the right and radical on the left. When they did the surgery they discovered a second lump on the left side which did not show on the test that were done. I started radiation treatments in February 2014 and had to have 35 treatments. Toward the end of the treatment I developed an UTI along with a staph infection and a severe radiation burn. One thing that makes it more difficult to treat me is that I have a rare autoimmune disorder that affects my muscles and causes a skin rash. After three weeks off from treatment I was able to finish the radiation treatments. I had my first chemo treatment three weeks ago and spent last week in the hospital with another UTI, staph infection and e-coli. The joys of treatment when your immune system is already compromised. I know that I cannot give up this fight and that God and my family are with me every step of the way.

I have stage two breast cancer and elected to have both breast removed. I elected not to have reconstruction surgery. I had breast for 59 years. I can live the rest of my life without them. Going back to my hippie days. No bra, no makeup and no hair now. The hair will grow back eventually.

Thanks for reading my story. I will keep everyone updated on my progress.

Elizabeth Osborne
Brookwood, AL