My Journey

My journey began in December 2013 I had moved a refrigerator for my daughter in law in moving the refrigerator it fell on me bruising both biceps severely about a week later I was eating supper and spilled something on me I realized I had a sore area on my left breast thinking it was from the refrigerator I made a doctors appointment anyway when I went to the doctor he sent me for a mammogram which they also did a sonogram on the same day they call me back to schedule for a biopsy after the biopsy we went on vacation we were gone 10 days upon returning I went for my follow up when I was diagnosed called every day to find out the results the but I had to wait until I got back when I got back I was diagnose with stage 3 breast cancer tripple negative on January 29th i had a lumpectomy I have had 2 sessions 12 weeks each of chemo and 34 treatments of radiations which i am half way through I am a fighter and believe in my heart I do have this beat

Violet Gibbs
Dade City, FL