My Journey

We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. I learned at early age about cancer. My grandfather and aunt died of pancreatic cancer. Years later my father had prostate cancer. He battled through it. In April 2008 my father died of renal cancer.
Little did I know just a year later I would be diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. I had a large tumor and 11 positive nodes. It has been a year and I had surgery, chemotherapy and then radiation. I take tamoxifin and a aspirin a day. I just added a calcium supplement with vitamin D. I am exercising almost daily. I can say right now I am a survivor.
What cancer gave me was so many blessings by way of family and friends. I have so many caring, loving people in my life. We tell each other we love each other more often. I share my story with everyone on hopes to spread the message of early detection and hope

Barnard, VT