My Journey with My Lord

My journey began 11/16/12 when my gynecologist told me "its not your fibroid cyst, it is a lump". The holidays were beginning so waiting on the results of each test taught me patience. I testified in front of my family and friends at church to pray the tumor would be benign. Well in January after the PET scan God had a different plan for my life, not only had the tumor/cancer in my breast doubled in size it had spread to my lung which was also cancer putting me Stage 4. The spots on my lung were gone after the 3rd chemotherapy treatment. I'm still praising God !
After 8 rounds of chemotherapy, a double mastectomy and 36 rounds of radiation I continually thank our Awesome God for the many prayer warriors He gave me and All the answered prayers. I never got sick at all. I never had to take any pain medication. My skin only had some redness during radiation. My last radiation treatment was 9/24/13. I traveled 1 hour and 45 minutes each way for each treatment and surgery and thank all my doctors, nurses and medical staff at the cancer center that stayed so positive and took such excellent care of me. My husband, son, daughter, special friends and church family were there for me always. I'm so grateful for them all. I received almost 150 cards of encouragement. Wow!! I am so thankful God chose this journey for me for I am a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend !!!
I had surgery on 2/25/14 putting in my expanders and will have my exchange surgery in a few months. I continue to be clean of cancer and feel absolutely wonderful. Praising God Everyday !!!
To All those fighting this battle stay positive and keep the Faith ! Our Awesome God is so good all the time !! God Bless each of you !! Lynne

Jessica Lynne Price
Beckley, WV