My Journey With Cancer

I had a benign cyst removed from my right breast and on 4 March 2009 (the day before my 4th wedding anniversary) was told the all the cells around the cyst were cancerous and I needed more tests. I found out later that I had Stage II breast cancer and would need a modified radical mastectomy and it was found in 4 lymph nodes as well. We, my husband, son and I, went through 8 rounds of chemotherapy and 6 weeks of radiation...from April through December. What I remember the most is waking up from my surgery and my husband looking at me and saying that I was just as beautiful now as I was before my surgery...and I cried. My son and husband were there by my side for every chemo treatment, doctor visits and radiation treatments. In fact my last radiation treatment was 11 Dec and I came out to the lobby to ring the bell to celebrate and my husband had invited all my friends from work and our motorcycle club. The lobby was full of about 30-40 people, cheering and clapping for me as I rang the bell to celebrate being done with all my treatment! I cried for joy! I'm blessed in so many ways...with life, my family and my friends!
I walked in the Relay for Life the day after chemo, I clicked for mammograms, I supported every breast cancer organization and talked to all my friends and family! I tell every woman I know to do self-exams, get mammograms and spread the word!!!

Jenyfer Johnson
Sumter, SC