My Journey Through Breast Cancer

My story goes like this, back in April 2013 my Black lab Sammy would start favoring my left side while we laid down watching TV and would lay his head across my left breast I never really paid too much attention to it until June 2013 when he... made it a point to start poking me in the breast with his nose. I noticed then I had a little soreness in it but then he started doing it all the time so I gave myself a buddy check and that's when I found a small lump. I went to my primary doc and she felt it too and sent me for a mammogram. They found something against my breast wall and wanted to refer me for a biopsy. So July 2013 after the biopsy I had stressed out so bad a couple of days later I broke out in the shingles. Went to my primary doc to get treated and that is when they informed me that my results were positive for Ductal carcinoma. Had my surgery on September 10th 2013 left breast mastectomy removal of 99% plus the nipple. I am currently still going through reconstruction but I am cancer free. I later had Gene test done and will be going back this July 2014 to have the right breast removed due to the results of high breast cancer in my gene. Needless to say it has been a rough road. I am so blessed and love my Sammy bear dearly for saving my life. Without him it could have been a lot worse and I would have never known it was cancer.

Dreama August
Jacksonville, FL