My journey begins---Again

Eight years ago in May I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the left breast. My surgeon told me that if I had to get cancer, this was the best type to get. Caught early, in the beginning stages and not aggressive. I had surgery, radiation and on Arimidex for 5 years. Life was good and I was well. Each year I did my yearly mammogram with good results until this week. My results were suspicious, so it was suggested I have a biopsy. I got the results yesterday and cancer is now in my right breast. I will see a surgeon tomorrow to see what steps we will take. Since I am on a familiar journey, a road traveled by so many of us, I am trusting in my Lord to take me and my family down the rocky path. I trust in Him completely as this diagnosis is no surprise to Him. He will give me the comfort, support and grace to rest in Him completely. I trust many of you will find such peace in Him as you travel this road.

Linda Schneider
Taylors, SC