My Journey as part of the Family of Breast Cancer Survivors

Hi I join a group of women with the diagnosis of breast cancer. I found out in October of 2012 with a scheduled mammogram. My son was almost 10 at the time. I just turned 55. Of course, being a nurse when we were looking at the screen I knew that something was wrong. I had an ultrasound the next day. I saw it on the screen. I went for the Biopsy and it was positive for DCIS. I immediately was sent to the surgeon and scheduled a right mastectomy. The tumor was Staged as 2b because of the size. I didn't have any in my lymph nodes and it was still contained within the tumor. The cancer was Estrogen + and HER 2 positive. No history of breast cancer on my mom's side of the family. She passed from heart attack 4 years before. I had to explain this to my son. I came home the same day and went back to work 2 days later. I felt if I stayed home I would just withdraw and that wouldn't be good for me or my son. I started Chemo Dec. 17, 2012. I had 6 rounds of Carboplatin, Taxotere, and 18 rounds of Herceptin every 3 weeks. The nausea medicine worked good for the most part. I could find enough to eat but hard time drinking. I had my days but tried to be positive most of the time. I finished the worse chemo on April 7 2013 and my hair started growing back in May 2013. I had a left mastectomy in Sept. 2013 and implants placed in Dec. 2013. My son's dad was not supportive and moved out in Feb 2013 so I finished it all with the help of my son and a few friends. My God has been my support through all this and my doctors were awesome. I am a single mom and worked through it all. My son is now 11 and am looking forward to see him grow into a good young man with strength and wisdom.

Starke, FL