My Husband Saved My Life

August 2014 my husband found a lump on my right breast. I thought he was he was messing with me and paid no attention to it. I honestly didn't think about it until a couple of days later when I felt the lump for myself. The doctor thought it was an inflammatory infection due to my menstrual cycle and gave me antibiotics. I left and went on with my life, however, those antibiotics didn't help. The lump never went away. I went back, never thinking it could be Cancer. I was only 32, with no family history. No way it was cancer
. I had an ultrasound, followed by a painful biopsy and a mammogram. Then on September 22, 2014 I received the call that literally stopped everything. As I sat at my desk, at work, I was told that my biopsy came back positive. Positive......
I remember asking "positive for what?" still not truly grasping the idea of cancer. But when I heard "positive for cancer" I lost it..I kept saying "but I'm only 32.... what now?" I just didn't know what to do.
The days following, I was in disbelief. I was waiting for someone to say that they made a mistake, but that day never came. After MRI's and PET scans and meetings with surgeons I decided that I never wanted to deal with this again. Cancer was controlling every part of my life and I hated that. I made a difficult decision but I wanted to take control back of my life, and on November 12, 2014, I went in for a double mastectomy. I was diagnosed Stage 1A. Which I strongly feel was because of my husband. He saved my life. God only knows how long I would have gone without noticing it.
It's been about a month since my surgery and I will start 4 rounds of chemo soon, followed by 5-6 weeks of radiation. I'm scared but I've gone this far.... I'm going to fight with everything I have. I'm going through this for a reason... I guess someday I'll find out why.

Las Vegas, NV