My First and Last Love

In 2010 I remarried my first husband after being divorced for 40 years.We married in July on the same day we did it the first time.We were so happy it was like a second chance we never thought we would have.In Oct I was diagnosed with breast cancer.My husband was so supportive and heped me through the misery of chemo treatments and was so patient with me and loving.I fought hard and came through surgery and treatments and was pronounced cancer free.We were both very gratefull and looked foreward to growing old together .Then in March of 2012 we were hit by a bombshell.My beloved Kenny was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer .He became very ill very fast and passed away that June.I am still in a state of shock and cant believe our time together was so cut short by cancer.I will always be gratefull for the time that we did have together.We must all do everything we can to support cancer research and pray for a cure .Be kind to eachother and never take your loved ones for granted.

pam woods
ottawa, KS