My cancer tale

On December 1, 2014 at my 6 week post partum checkup I mentioned a lump to my Dr. Being pregnant I had felt what I thought was a cyst, being 31, pregnant and not having a family history of breast cancer, I didn't "freak out." Everything changes when you're pregnant. The next day I had a sonogram, a 3d mammogram and a needle biopsy. On December 3, 2014 I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma. I literally cried for 2 days straight. All bad thoughts raced through my head, especially one where I saw my baby growing up without me. My husband and I jumped into action, delivering my pathology slides to different hospitals, constantly on the phone coordinating appointments, picking up my MRI pictures and dropping them off where they needed to be etc. The worst part was missing out on time with my daughter, thank goodness I have the best sister in the world. On December 22, 2014 I went in for a double mastectomy with reconstruction. Even though I tested negative for the BRCA gene and there is no family history, I never want to go through this again, I need to be here to raise my daughter. I'm not sure what my treatment plan is yet, I was ER + PR + and HER2 negative. I'm taking my recovery from my surgery one day at a time and enjoying every minute I get with my daughter. I'm so thankful to have her, my wonderful husband, a very supportive family and friends in my corner. Many prayers and positive thoughts have come my way and each and every one has meant the world to me.

Rachel Seaman
Riverhead, NY