My cancer diagnosis I

I actually was scheduled for a breast reduction the week before Thanksgiving. Well that Monday I had to have a mammogram, my 1st one ever being I was only 37. I got a call Tuesday telling me to put my surgery on hold for further testing. I had my 2nd mammo & was feeling quite uneasy after a comment from the lady doing my mammo. That Thursday I get a call to be in my drs office that Friday for a biopsy. I can't explain the fear & thoughts that go thru your mind.
I had my biopsy & 3 days later got the dreaded call I wasn't wanting. 1st thing dr said was "we've caught it early & everything should be fine" I was numb. All I could think was what about my children, my husband & family? How could this happen? How does she know I will be ok? I was definitely in shock.
I had my double masectomy on January 14, 2014. The holidays we're emotional but I have an amazing family & friends that helped me to be strong. I never thought too negative but you definitely do have those dreaded thoughts. I just wanted it all to be over & ok. You stay strong bc your kids watch you or atleast I did or tried.
I've since had 3 surgeries, 3 hospital stays, picc line & most recent lost my right expander. Am I mad or sad? No, not at all, I'm blessed to still be here. I have a new outlook on life & will never be the same person I was before my diagnosis. My faith in God is even stronger now than ever !! I cherish each day & make many memories & love every moment. Good luck all survivors.
Panola, TX