My breast cancer

I was sitting in a hospice to support my 3 children as they watched their father die of lung cancer. My cell phone rang and it was my doctor telling me that the test results were back from a biopsy I had done earlier. I couldn't believe my ears as I heard her say breast cancer. No, not now! Too much else going on. In the next few days we buried my ex-husband and I was off for surgery. My life was caught up in a whirlwind. I had no idea about cancer and trusted the doctors and nurses to do their best. Two surgeries later I was in a chemo clinic preparing for the battle of my life. I opted to participate in a clinical trials study and agreed to 26 weeks of chemo followed by 30 days of radiation. That time was like a dream for me as I have very little recollection. I do remember being very sick, not tolerating the one chemo very well, hospitalized several times with pneumonia, losing my hair, but having such loving care and support from my children and my friends. I was determined that my children would not lose both parents to cancer in the same year. I have now been cancer-free for 4 years and continue to go for my check-ups routinely. I had no family history for cancer of any type and now advocate for vigilance for everyone. Cancer has no boundaries.

Maureen Reese
Honolulu, HI