My breast cancer story

Hi, my name is Krista Mondahl. I found out that I had breast cancer January of 2011. I was only 24 years old. I had the lump on my right side for about 5 years prior to finding out that it was cancer. I had gone to several doctors, and they all thought it was just a cyst and told me not to worry about it. I decided to go back to the doctor after discovering that the lump had gotten bigger since the last time I went in. They decided to do a biopsy on the lump. January 7th, 2011 I got the most horrible news ever! I can still remember to this day hearing the words, ”you have breast cancer”. I had never heard of a person my age having breast cancer, so it was a total shock to me and my family.
I decided to go with the double mastectomy and reconstruction. I had that surgery on February 2, 2011. They also found that it had spread to one of my lymph nodes. Then I had to go back a week later for another surgery to remove my lymph nodes. Luckily it had not spread anywhere else! Thank God! I also had to have 4 cycles of chemotherapy once every 3 weeks. It was such a long journey, and I am still kicking cancer’s butt to this day! I am proud to say that I am 3 years cancer-free! I also would not have been able to get through this without the support from my family and friends! I love them so much!

Krista mondahl
Waseca, MN