My breast cancer story

Just got home from a weekend of fun on the 4th of July 2002. Was in the bathtub and I always did my monthly self breast examines the gyno also insisted and I am so glad he did.
Well while doing that I found a large lump. Not thinking alot about it I waited till the next day and called the MD and the nurse said come in the next day for an appointment so I got to thinking and thought why not check to see if I could go ahead and do a mammogram first just to have it. Well when I called back the nurse said the Dr wanted to see me and so I went on in and he then sent me on over to the hospital and they did a mammogram and ultrasound. And well you guessed it yes it was cancer. They did a lumpectomy then lymphnode surgery then chemo and then radiation. Then another lymphnode surgery. Lost all my hair and thought that I would be thru but after 7yrs I still have some problems. Losing my toenails and fingernails, still losing my hair. But God has really been good to me cause even tho a few problems still exist I am healthy and happy.

Cindy Graves
Pasadena, TX