my breast cancer story

My story is about when I came to find out that I had stage two breast cancer I was 40 years old I had my annual mmammo done then I had to go back and have another one done I was really scared. After I got that done I had to have all these tests done then come to find out I was going to lose my left breast I was very upset but I knew that I would be ok and that god was with me and for me I was in the fox chase cancer cntr which is a great place with great people they made me feel right at home they were very supportive and they were there for me through my surgery then I had to have drains put in to my side for the stuff from my surgery to drain out and of course I had to have a full time nurse come to my home to drain my drains and once they healed successfully they removed them and I then started me with chemo everyday in the morning along with the lunasta shot which brought me down and made me sick so after I was done that I was just getting my chemo in a relaxing atmosphere with wonderful people I was always thinking to my self that I was always going to be alone in this fight turns out I wasn't I had friends in my groups there that made me feel like I was family they supported me when I was scared and depressed about my situation. And on my last day I cried when I had to leave all my friends that I had made so now I'm doing radiation and I'm doing well I feel great and everything I've been through I just want to be able to be an inspiration to other people out there who are fighting the good fight and want to be there to help other kids as well so they know that they are not alone.

lumberton, NJ