My bonus surgery that turned into a nightmare!

I am an RN specializing in infusion, chemo, wounds and peds for 17+ years. I have been bedridden for 5 years starting with failed back surgery, RSD in left arm from infected IV site that nurses would ignore my complaints, 3 titanium rods in SI joint left hip and huge labral tear in left hip and pain pump implanted in abdomen bigger than hockey puck that goes up into my spine called intrathecal that gets filled with morphine every 3 months. Things have been getting better but no pain meds work anymore frustrating. So have wanted a breast reductuction for years so this was my bonus surgery and 2 weeks after got a call saying your tissue samples came back Lobular Carcinoma it's the kind that is not picked up by mammogram till it's in advance stages 3 or 4 and I would be dead aost always goes to other breast. I lost my sister, brother, niece and recently my dad. I have 5 grandkids and wonderful husband of 23 yrs and an amazing mom, also 6 kids including in laws and a nephew who is more like my son. We can't have anymore loss in this family so on May 29 th going in for bilateral mastectomy with immediate expanders process will take a year. Question is will my kids be able to stick by me through it all it's always by me and my mom even though I am doing it for them and my grandkids. I guess I am blessed it was found early and so far no chemo or radiation. But missingy dad who always madee feel everything would be ok and I know he is looking over me and will never leave my side! I have friends and a sister on law and rest of my family for support they just can't understand the otional trauma you go through but one surgery and procedure at a time and with God we can do this! But still in shock....

Stacie Kinman
Edina, MO