My Beautiful Rebellion

Actually, I felt really stuck and this manifested as a cancerous lump in my breast. I was 34 and had no history of it in my family AND I was not living my purpose. I had not had the time to finish the novel I’d been working on. I’d put my dreams aside for a monthly pay check.

But now my body was trying to talk to me and this time I listened. I rose up and set myself free.

I’d like to share part of my Freedom Manifesto; an ideology shaped by my journey to health and happiness :

1. We will consciously create our reality

I had already been studying the power of the mind for more than a year when I received the diagnosis and so I got to work on myself immediately. In the space of the week between the ultrasound and operation, the 3.4cm lump had already decreased by 1cm.

What I realized was that our emotions are creating our future. We all hear about the benefits of positive thinking, but actually the positive state is more important than the thinking. Before I had often times been sinking into despair and victimhood, but now I knew better.

2. We will listen to our bodies

My recovery has been quite a journey in trusting my inner voice and emotions. It is not easy to go against what a doctor tells you that you should be doing, but I did what felt right to me and I have been rewarded greatly for this. I didn’t ignore everything but I took the time to make my own decisions and I am proud of who I am because of it today.

On my journey to health, I have been supported by many holistic professionals and have been told I just have to stop thinking so much, breathe and be happy (it sounds so easy, right?). Our bodies are the most brilliant and wise creatures on this planet, yet we’ve forgotten how to listen to them.

with love,

Mireille Parker
Lucerne, Switzerland