My battle turned into a business...We KARE to find a cure!

My story starts out like many others. I was a perfectly healthy 41 year old woman who one day finds a lump in her breast. SELF BREAST EXAMS DO SAVE LIVES! The fear, uncertainty, and sadness was overwhelming. I was terrified for my husband and children. I was terrified for me. Things got easier for me, once I knew what the course of treatments would be. I prayed ! Then made a plan and a promise to keep a positive attitude. I shared my news with family and friends and accepted help graciously. I had to to make sure my children had the happy mom they were used to. I took it one day at a time. I made sure to remember that whatever I was going through... someone, somewhere was going through something worse. I caught it early so a lumpectomy was an option. I needed 4 sessions of Chemotherapy, radiation, and various other medications and procedures. It was going to be a long road but I was going to win in the end. When I learned I was going to lose my hair to chemo, I could not find anything comfortable and stylish to wear. The one thing I could take control over I did. With the help of my sister, we designed the most comfortable, fun, stylish head scaves for me to wear. When I wore them, I felt so free and pretty. I felt fun! I felt special! I felt like myself. I lived from my heart ~ not what I saw in the mirror. I lived my life and looked great doing so! Everyone loved them, so I decided to start my own business to help others dealing with hair loss. We are called Kare~Chiefs.
We "Kare" to find a CURE !

Barbara Manni
Cranston, RI