my annual mammogram

In 2001 I was diagnosed with lobular carcinoma in situ -I was 44, I had a lumpectomy and took tamoxifen for 5 years. The doctors told me I was high risk for developing invasive cancer. Every year I went for my annual mammogram. I ate healthy, exercised and kept my weight down. My mother's youngest sister died at age 50 of BC, my mother lived to be 97 with no cancer. I went for my mammo Feb. 2014, they called me back-ultrasound & biopsy the same day.. They called me 5 days later-invasive ductal carcinoma-2 small areas. I went with the bilateral mastectomy on April 3,14 with immediate reconstruction, my lymph nodes came back NEGATIVE, no chemo or radiation.I AM ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES, thanks to my annual mammogram.
My main concern is now for my 36 year old daughter, who has already had a biopsy. She will be tested for the Brca gene. I do not know if I am positive for the gene as my insurance doesn't want to cover it.
Good Luck to everyone fighting this disease. Early detection certainly saves lives.

Maureen Brioc
Fraser, MI