Motherless Daughter making a difference !

I believe that everything is for a reason, and that the trials that you go through in life, help define you as the person that you are today.

Five years ago I lost my Mother Abigail Barraza to breast cancer. June 10, 2005, was the worst day of my life, but also the day I learned of my true calling. As I went back to my mothers house, I sat in her bedroom and thought to myself, I can turn my mothers death into a negative or a positive. I choose the positive approach. I wanted women to be aware, and take a proactive approach to educating themselves about the importance of self awareness and education. In honor of my mother I Started a Charity. The Abigail Barraza Foundation provides Breast Cancer awareness and education in undeserving areas in Los Angeles. Last year we started a Program teaching at the local Womens Shelters and treatment centers, and it has been extremely successful.

Many of us go through challenges in life, but we have to believe that we were all put on this earth for a reason. My reason is my Mom. Everyday I try to go out and make a difference in the world. If I have just made an impact on one persons life each day, then I have did my job.

Breast Cancer doesn't just affect the person who has it, it also affects the people whom they love. Watching my mom battle the disease, was very hard, at times I sat and wished that there was more that I could do. Today there is something I can do. I know my moms death was not in vain. I am making a difference and turning a tragedy into TRIUMPH, believing "TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE !

Los Angeles, CA