Keeping the Faith and Fighting Hard!

It was August 2008 and I was enjoying a back rub by my fiance. His hand slightly hit the side of my breast and he said "Babe you have a lump". I did not worry at first but after the mamogram, it was confirmed. I had stage III c breast cancer and I am only 34, and it had spread to my lymphnodes. 10 of 13 were positve. I had a modified mastectomy 10/08, finished chemo 2/09, and finished radiation 05/09. In Oct. 09 I had left breast reconstruction surgery, latissumis dorsi flap surgery. In Nov. 09 I had a profolactic mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I still have the breast expanders in now! It is getting very painful during the expansions so I think I am about done! I have one more surgery to go! The final implants. This Jan. 28th, 2010, I finish my last herceptin treatment and get scans as well.

I have stayed very positive through my journey and can't thank my fiance enough for all that he has done for me! He has saved my life! He was very scared due to the fact he lost his mother from pancreatic cancer. So he took my diagnosis very hard. He has been a wonderful caregiver and it has brought us closer together. Whatever you do, don't give up the fight! You can beat this! I did! Hang tough and fight like a girl you can do it! I am here for anyone going through this if you need someone to talk to. You are not alone! I have been so blessed through this whole experience. Again I want to thank my fiance, family, friends, and wonderful co-workers for thier support. I could not have done it without you all! Thanks!

All my love,
Beth McCamey

Beth McCamey
Elgin, SC