keeping faith through everything

My story started in 2008. My son was 15 months old and after putting off my mammogram I decided I needed to go ahead and get one. I was the last patient in the waiting room that day after my mammogram and I thought that was strange. The radiologist called me into the office and showed me a spot on the mammogram. I went from that to a needle biopsy to a lumpectomy then chemo and radiation. I was placed on tamoxifen but in 2011 it came back. I had a double mastectomy on my son's 4th birthday. It was stage 4. I then had it come back in the skin on my left side and had to undergo a latissimus flap. I have been cancer free since 2012 however after being radiated 2 times over my heart and the heart damage that occurred from being on Herceptin I had a quadruple bypass in November 2013. I know God is in charge and is healing me every time something happens and I also have the best oncologist. You wake up everyday pray and leave it in God's hands. My husband has been my best cheerleader.

Laurie Harner
Lake Wales, FL