Journey to the bottom and back

During my Dad's experience with breast cancer, the greatest challenge turned out to be the "not knowing", while we waited to learn about it's stage, the necessary treatments and the results of the genetic tests. Luckily, at stage one, and without the gene, he only needed a mastectomy and tamoxifin rather than chemo. After his surgery, in his usual "seize the day" style, his first request was for me to hike the Grand Canyon with him. My 70-year-old father and I reached the crest, after our 22 mile round-trip hike, on May 14th. In a reversal of father/daughter roles, it felt incredible to be the one so proud of him, after the lifetime of support he has shown me. We'll never forget that journey, or trade it for anything, cancer and all.

Laura Barron
Vancouver, Canada