Jesus said "You will go through this with me" and He did

In April of 2013 I felt a lump on my right breast and immediately became concerned. Without letting anyone knew I went to the doctor and had mammorgram and USG test. The next day, at the age of 39, I was diagnosed with stage IIB breast cancer. My world fall apart. I have a boy who is still 11 years old and I want to see him grow and see my grandchildren. At first I frustated and questioning God, "why me?" but Jesus come to me and hold my hand and said "You will go through this with me. I will never leave you". Jesus's word strengthen me and I stopped blaming God and start to give Him thanks. A month later I had a partial mastectomy and started chemotherapy a month later. I received 6 treatments of chemotherapy, 30 treatments of radiation and continue with hormonal therapy for the next 5 years. My mom, sister and brother in law was by my side for every doctors visit, every chemotherapy treatment, and more importantly taking good care of me! When I lost my hair from chemotherapy, my mom cried but she told me that it is fine because it means the medicine worked. During the journey I witnessed how God's worked in amazing ways and He answered prays. I never feel pain during my cemotherapy session or my radiation. Even my doctor told me that I didn't look like other cancer patient, she said my face was glowing. I told her that it is because of Jesus who strengthen me. April 2014, I went through the body scan and Praise Jesus, the result show that there is no cancer in my body. Halleluya. I have faith that there will be no more cancer in me. I survived cancer because of God and the support I received from my family and I promised God to tell everyone about His amazing work and this is my story.

Euis C
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia