It IS Cancer

I never expected to hear the words "It IS cancer." In October 2006, at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was a newlywed of 5 months and thought life was awesome...until the diagnosis.
My cancer was aggressive and I knew I had to be more aggressive with my treatment...8 rounds of chemotherapy, mastectomy, radiation, reconstruction, and a year of Tykerb.
My wonderful husband has been with me every step of the way. He never missed a scan, a chemo session, a surgery, a doctor's visit, or any of the times in between when I was sick and tired.
He made me laugh when I thought all I could do was cry. He gave me strength when I thought I couldn't go on. He made me feel beautiful when I only had one breast and was bald. He was my rock and continues to be.
It's 3 years later and life is finally getting back to normal. We rejoice in every scan and test that comes back "clean'. We are getting back to doing the things newlyweds do and are trying to get pregnant. Life is awesome again!
Thank you Darren. I love you dearly.

Julia Borcherding
LaPorte, IN