It Gave Me More

In July 2007 I went for my routine mammogram. I was called back to have another mammogram along with an ultrasound due to a solid area detected. When my results came back I was referred to a breast surgeon for a biopsy. The biopsy came back positive for invasive ductal cancer, with lymph node involvement. I chose a bilateral mastectomy as my treatment plan that followed with immediate reconstruction with implants. I had some problems with the reconstruction that resulted in two more surgeries within a six week time period. With the last surgery, I developed an infection and I was having yet another surgery to have implants removed so my body could heal. I then started 8 treatments of chemo, that honestly was the hardest part of this journey. It left me sick at my stomach, fatigued and bald! I never once let all of this get me down, afterall, I was alive, and winning this incredible fight! Once my chemo treatments were finished I started reconstruction all over again, followed by more surgery. This journey has blessed me beyond measure. Little did I know when I was diagnosed with this ugly disease and felt like my world was shattered that it would be my greatest blessing. I have made some amazing friends along this path & talked with countless ladies starting their own journey, answering their countless questions, calming their fears, and letting them know they are stronger than even they knew. We don't have the luxury of knowing our future, but even if I could, I wouldn't change a thing. I know God has a plan for my life, and helping other breast cancer fighters has been so rewarding for me. It's what we get to make a living, it's what we give to make a life. Little did I know on that sunny day in August when I suddenly became a member of a club I didn't sign up for, that a blessing was just waiting around the corner for me. Cancer gave me so much more than it ever took away.

Trina Amos
Henryville, IN