Inspiration and Hope

In the fall of 95 a very dear friend discovered she had breast cancer. She chose to fight and win, and through the surgeries and the reconstruction, she did win. She survived. I had heard that 5 yrs was the goal to aim for, so when she reached yr 2000 and was still cancer free, I celebrated in her honor by contacting the local American Cancer Society office. They found a lady just beginning her battle, and I got a first name only, and I ordered flowers and attached a letter explaining "why" and offering hope and love and encouragement. The flower shop got the name and address from the ACS office. I have done this each fall, and in a few months I will send my 11th set of flowers and my 11th letter of hope and encouragement. Positive attitude and faith and love of family and friends are as important as the medicines. So to anyone beginning their battle, let this be a "visual" bouquet, YOU CAN WIN, It happens every day. And you are not alone.

Lubbock, TX