I'm not just surviving- I'm Living!

February 28, 2012, that's the date I'll never forget! My life changed from that moment and my roller coaster journey began! I couldn't believe I had cancer, no family history, I was in good shape, ate well and only 39 years old. My first report said a 5 cm tumor with trendlins close to my armpit, SCARY! After seven hours of mammograms and ultrasounds I was told "it isn't there, but we see calcification, there's a low chance it's going to be positive for cancer." I had the biopsy , results were in, it's positive, I had cancer, DCIS, ( not finished yet it keeps going)! Then the struggle with my Dr. who wanted to do a lumpectomy with radiation and tamoxifen. That however, was not my plan, I wanted a bilateral mastectomy immediately! Surgery set for March 15, 2012, then the Dr. called, she had to reschedule until March 29 because of waiting on insurance to approve (ridiculous), 4 hours later from 500 miles away I received a call that my father was dying and I needed to go to him, I rushed to his side and instead of being in surgery on 3/15 I was in ICU (divine intervention), my father passed away on his birthday 3/16. Two days later My Dr. talked me into a lumpectomy with the intention I would do bilateral mastectomy after pathology, we were going to "buy time". Well those results came back not as DCIS but stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma .3cm aggressive er+ pr+. I was so upset. After that diagnoses and a very frank conversation with my surgeon, she finally "got me" and I had a bilateral mastectomy May 29, 2012 with immediate reconstruction! I have taken my cancer experience and after 13 years of being a nurse I became a certified Areola complex, 3D and scar camouflage tattoo artist. I have teamed up with my extremely talented plastic surgeon and I now help other survivors with their final touch! I couldn't have done this without the love,support and shoulders of my family, friends and faith!

Tara Dunsmore
Garner, NC