I'm a Survivor

I had a biiopsy the day before Thanksgiving 2008. The physician said she was 99% sure it was a malignant. 5 days latercame the phone call with news of a Triple negative tumor, Grade 3. I was terrified. On that cold December day I thought I was being told my life was ending. But after a lumpectomy, Contura catheter seed radiation, and 6 months of Chemotherapy, I am now a Survivor. My GYN's persistance probably saved my life. I believe God gave her the mind set and insistance that I have an MRI, otherwise 6 or 8 months later, when it would have been found it would have been too late!!! Even after knowing where the tumor was, they had to take 8 views to bring it out on a mammogram due to the close proximity to the chest wall.
Keep those appointments for Mammograms, special views, whatever is recommended. Follow your own intuition. And don't forget to do your own self exam. IT may save someone's life YOURS!!!!!!!!!!! Keep a positive outlook, it makes such a difference.

Dallas, TX