I'm a Survivor

Hi, my name is Paula. In April, 2004 I lost my dad to lung cancer then in July 2004, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It was Grade 3 the aggressive form. I went in & had a mastectomy & the lymph nodes took away. I then had chemotherapy from August 2004 til January 2005. I decided to go for reconstructive surgery but first I had to have the right breast reduced & lift. Once everything was ok I then went in & had reconstructive surgery in 2008. Everything went fine & I go for my next check-up next year. I go for my mammogram every year. So far I'm all clear. It came as a shock to me & my family especially when I had just lost my dad but they were there for me to help me through it & I did come through it. I said right at the beginning it wasn't going to beat me. I survived & other women can to.

hyde cheshire, United Kingdom