If you are diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer....

Dear Sisters in Pink,
Three years ago I was diagnosed with a more rare form of breast cancer, triple negative. There is little research on it because on 15% of us get it.
I fortunately found the lump doing a monthly exam. I was stage 1 and doctors recommended a lumpectomy with just radiation.
Unfortunately it took 3 lumpectomies to get clean margins. Then they told me because it was larger than first thought that I needed chemo and radiation.
Three years later, this Oct 20th, my birthday, I was told that a new lump in the same breast meant I need a mastectomy right away. I opted to have both breasts removed. More for symmetry than anything else. My surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic gave me some clear answers and I made the hard decision that I wish I had made three years earlier.
Triple negative breast cancer is more agressive and if they had made that clear three years ago I would have had the mastectomy then.
I have been very fortunate because if came back to the same site and not to a new organ. Also no lymph node involvement. So I was stage 1b. I was told I need four rounds of Paraplatin and Taxotere as a profilactic. ( prevention)
I have been blessed by the love of my husband, daughters, sons, and friends and neighbors. I plan when this is behind me to "pay it forward " and help others who perhaps don't have family in the area for support. Love and prayers are very healing. Sincerely, Jody

Jody Stewart
Fenton, MI