~I won the fight once & I will win the fight again~Help me God!

Should I say, I had a very hard life when I found a mass in my right breast. I was diagnosed of Stage 1 Breast Cancer in May 06. I was working overseas with no insurance, living in another country where the majority of the people can't speak English and was the first one who had cancer in my family. As hard as it was, I told myself that I have to fight and live because I was only 32 years old with lots of dreams that are still unfulfilled! I underwent lumpectomy in my right breast. Then, four shots of chemotheraphy. I finished my chemotheraphy in this country then, I had to move here in the US. I got married with my wig on in Dec 06. My very supportive husband didn't mind a bald wife who will share with his life. In February 07, I started my radiation theraphy for 1 month. I was like an obedient student who never missed my doctor's appointments, chest breaking mammograms for 2 1/2 years not to mention the pap smear that I have to do once a year. It was April 09 that my husband noticed the severe cough that I was going through! I went for check-ups got some pills but it didn't work. So, I got a second opinion from a general surgeon from the military based! I had a CT SCAN done! I had a biopsy done! It's a positive reoccurrence of my breast cancer that spread in my chest bone. I'm having series of treatments to detect whether there are tumors in my other systems. For sure, I will have new rounds of chemotheraphy which means I'm fixing to get bald soon after I grow my hair back for 3 years.

To Be Continued

Godbless us all!

Fight to Live
Colorado Springs, CO