I will never give up the fight!

January 2013 I was hired as a trauma ICU nurse after graduating in December 2012. May of 2013 I felt a lump in my left breast. Had a biopsy done and it was in fact breast cancer. It was was a fast growing type of cancer. Once I met with my oncologist he had a CT done. When I got home from my CT I already had a call from the doctors office changing my time of my first chemo treatment. Knowing what I know because the time was changed to when the doctors were in, I didn't think it would be good news.. Well I was correct and even shocked my oncologist with my results. My cancer was stage IV that has matatisized to my liver with multiple lesions. So they added another chemo drug to the three I was suppose to get.

After 16 weeks of harsh chemo, I was able to get away with just a lumpectomy. They also had to take 7 lymph nodes. The spots in my liver have shrunk as well. Then I went through 6 weeks of radiation. Through all this I was more than determined to get back to work as a nurse. I will have to remain on 2 types of chemo every 3 weeks for the rest of my life.

In February I got the best news ever, I could go back to nursing! I bring new life into this world every day and it is so very rewarding.

I will never be cancer free, but with the advances in treatment I will be able to live a lot longer by getting my maintenance chemo and do what I love to do "be a nurse"!

Bridgeville, PA