I was the one in eight who got breast cancer

Since with my diagnosis of Stage 1 breast cancer I did not have the pathos that I know so very many cancer patients experience I felt that my story was not worthy of sharing in comparison. However, I have changed my mind.

Considering that 95% of early stage cancers have successful treatments I am an especially great spokesperson for advocating the importance of regular mammograms. My personal 9-11-2009 saga began when my doctor called on that date to say that my annual screening had found that I had bilateral breast cancer. Although the "garden variety" tumors were both small and no lymph nodes were involved they were growing aggressively. My story would have ended quite differently if I had not had my annual mammogram because these cancers were nestled deep inside by my breast bone and not palpable.

But thanks to early detection and modern medicine I am now cancer free and I'm optimistic about my long term health with no recurrence. Hopefully, you also will get checked regularly to assure your future well-being.

Be proactive!!

Marilyn Shadid
Bayfield, CO