I had reg mam's and yet 6 mo after my last mam I found a lump

I went to my doctor right away. She got me in for another mammogram and ultrasound of my right breast immediatly. In the meantime I was in the process of reconciling (over the phone) with my husband whom I had been estranged from for 2-1/2 years. By the time I got the results of all my tests it was 2 days before I was to get on the bus to move to CA to be with him which is where I also would undergo my treatments.
By moving I delayed my treatment. I don't recommend this for anyone I had to find new doctors. This delay caused my invasive ductal carcinoma to grow from stage 1 or 2 to stage 4A. It broke though the duct into the skin. It was in 4 of 8 lymph nodes and the sentinel node. They had to scrape my ribs & do a complete mastectomy instead of a lumpectomy.
I got wonderful care at the St Agnus Cancer Center in Fresno. Due to the advanced stage of my cancer I underwent both chemo and radiation there. I can't say enough about the wonderful treatment they gave me.
I also found a supportive loving church, Grace Community, in Madera, who accepted me in right away. I never expected to make such wonderful friends so quickly. I believe with everything in me that having such a strong support group from my church family, & regular family, & having so many prayers going up to the heavenly Father made the difference in my recovery. It gave me strength & a good attitude and outlook.
Today, I am cancer free, happy & healthy & trusting the Lord. Remember, when everything seems out of control, God is still in control and His purposes are higher than ours.

Becky Lathrop
Gladstone, OR