I had a praying Mother

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 7 years ago. Upon having a Lumpectomy, I received radiation treatments for 31 days. My Dr. prescribed Tamoxifen for me. Because of the negative things (side effects) I heard about tamoxifen, I was afraid to take it. After taking it everyday for 5 years, I took my last pill on August 1, 2008.

It was a long tough road for me. One of the side effects from taking Tamoxifen is "WEIGHT GAIN". Some friends laughed and made fun of the weight I gained. My feelings were hurt and sometimes I cried because I thought they were my friends, and if anyone understood what I was going through, it should've been them. I held my head up high and I endured it all as my mother prayed for me. Another side effect was "Hot Flashes" I think I had hot flashes all day everyday for 5 years. I still have them.

I often think about how my office visits went from once a month, to every 3 months, to every 6 months and now once a year.

When I have my yearly mammogram, before leaving the hospital, I always get on my knees and I thank God for Blessing me another year to be Cancer Free. Hearing the technician say "You can go now" and not saying "you will have to stay a little longer for more tests, because the doctor saw something on your x-rays" is music to my ears!

I don't know what the future holds for me, but I thank God for today. My mother died before I could tell her I was Cancer Free, but I know she's rejoicing in Heaven.


Gwendolyn V. Manigo (Conway, S.C.)

Gwendolyn V. Manigo
Washington, DC