I fought like a girl....and won!

Hi! I'm a 41 year old school nurse from New Jersey. I've been married to my best friend and biggest supporter for 18 years and we have 2 beautiful children: a 21 year old son and a 17 year old daughter.

On October 3, 2013 I received the most difficult telephone call of my life. I was told that I have "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma", my world changed forever. I've been a nurse for 13 years and had no understanding of what the doctor was saying to me. The next few weeks were a world wind of tests, surgeries and many many doctors and opinions. I began chemotherapy on December 6, 2013, was going to have 8 treatments which would take 16 weeks.

On March 14, 2014, I had my final treatment! I'm done, so I thought. While I tested negative for the BRCA I/II I have decided to have a bilateral mastectomy at the end of June.

While going through treatment my family and friends made sure I was taken care of. They cooked for me, cleaned, took me for coffee and sent many cards and texts along with gifts in the mail. I felt the love every day. Every time I felt down, someone would contact me and make me smile.

I am frustrated and tired but the worst is behind me. A group of family and friends and I have began creating pillows and seat belt covers for people with breast cancer to use while going through surgery and treatment. These items are given out by a local surgeon during consultation. I look forward to getting my life back to normal but in the meantime I am trying to pay it forward.

Just remember you are not alone! Lean on those who love you, they will help make the difference!

South Brunswick, NJ