I fight for my girls

In April 2008, at the age of 30, I was diagnosed with Stage II Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I was married and had two daughters (ages 5 and 7). I had found a lump and was sent for a mammogram "for peace of mind." I then had a biopsy, bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction, 6 rounds of chemo (lost my hair), and total hysterectomy. Through all of the battle, my first response was, "I will do whatever it takes to see my daughters grow up!" When confronted with tough treatment options, I always asked what would give me the best chance of being around for them. My girls, along with my husband, were my strength, motivation, and inspiration throughout the battle. The hardest part of being ill was the impact that it had on my girls. However, I tried my best to approach the rough times with grace and dignity as it was a constant life lesson for them.

I just reached my 2 year mark last month. With Mother's Day approaching, I am reminded what a blessing it is to spend the day with my wonderful daughters. Since we are not guaranteed tomorrow, I count the blessings of today....my Savior....love....medical professionals who took great care of me along the way.....the hope for prevention and treatment so that my girls may never have to go through what I have.....a husband and daughters who support me through thick and thin. In reflection, I have realized that my girls taught me more about life as they walked with me down that road called Breast Cancer than I could ever teach them. I am so blessed!

Jenny Sanders
Camden, AR