I am still here

I praise God everyday for giving me my life. I am a 15 year Breast Cancer Survivor. Twice diagnosed and I owe my survival to God. Hearing the words "you have cancer" can and will change the course of your life. I was first diagnosed at the age of 35 and then at the age of 42. I was living my life to the fullest and enjoying my career as a Nurse. When cancer comes into your life you feel like you have been given a dead sentence, you are unsure if you will make it another day, you ask God "why me, why me? "what did I do to deserve this"? But the truth is you did nothing, this not your fault! Once you have gotten over the shock of hearing the words "cancer" you realize that you have got to fight this demon ! You don't want to die you want to live ! So you cry! You pray and you pray! Fighting the Fight against Breast Cancer is not always easy but with the support of Medicine, Family, and Friends we can do this! We as Breast Cancer Survivors cannot stop hoping, praying, and Fighting! We are Strong! We will win! This Battle is not just ours but it is the Lord's! I refuse to stop fighting! I'm still here! Thank you Lord! Im still here!

Rose Harley
Allen Junction, WV