I am beating Stage III Breast Cancer

I went for a mammogram on May 10, 2013. My doctor called me saying the mammogram didn't look good. He sent me to a surgeon. The surgeon told me you have breast cancer.
The surgeon said you need to go see an oncologist.
My oncologist told me you have Stage III breast cancer plus it has spread to the lymph nodes. I told him...I am going to beat this. CANCER isn't going to get me. He said how we are going to treat this is by doing chemo first. I had 20 chemo treatments without ever getting sick. I felt very blessed for not ever feeling sick just tired.
After I finished the chemo treatments, I had a double mastectomy...sure glad I did that.
Now I am doing 30 radiation treatments. The radiation doctor told me my tumors were so large and the cancer was very agressive this was a precaution. I said sure lets do it...if it will help me...I am all for it.
What really helped me through all this process was my faith and all the support I had from family and friends.
I would talk to my body then say a prayer to GOD. I know sometimes my body wanted to say...I wish SHE would SHUT UP.
I have stayed very POSITIVE throughout this process. I don't look sick, don't act sick and don't feel sick.
After losing my hair, I bought cute caps to wear. I didn't like the turbans..they make a person look sick or that is my thinking. I had some with bling, bows and etc. I found a lot of my caps at Walmart...always got compliments...that makes a person feel good.
My oncologist wants me to be a spokesperson for the cancer center. He said with your ATTITUDE it will help some of my other patients. I said SURE I will do it just let me know when.
Now I am on a pill for 5 years to lower my estrogen.
I am also on Herceptin infusion for a year.
At 70 years of age, I didn't do reconstruction.

Catherine Rose
Mission, TX