I Am A Survivor......

March 4th 2013 started out as just an ordinary day. I had been at work and was awaiting word from the results of my biopsy. After finding a lump on my breast weeks before,I had a mammogram, and a biopsy. The optimist in me was sure that I'd be hearing "Everything's fine." Seeing the glass as half full, mixed with the sign on my doctor's wall stating the high occurance of lumps as "nothing", I had no reason to think that it would be anything else but.
The only words I remember my doctor saying were “You have breast cancer.” My life flashed before my eyes..I thought of my two precious daughters, who were my world, having to face life without me...I thought of my mother, who had to hear those same dreaded words, 30 years before.
"G-d does not give you any more than you can handle” had always been my mantra..This challenge, my journey, was just another one that I had to persevere…And persevere I did, thanks to my amazing family and friends, and belief in myself…Multiple operations, months of chemotherapy and radiation, brought me to the day…December 31st, 2013. How apropos…This coincidentally, was my last day of radiation treatment…A new year, a promising year ahead…Smiling, as I walked out into the bright sunlight, smiling as I could finally see the rainbow at the end of my rainstorm… Noticing the bright green trees, hearing the melodic singing of the birds, suddenly, everything around me was magnified, brighter, and sweeter.
Growing up, I never felt strong..It was only going through this Journey, did I realize the person that I truly am....During this metamorphosis, there has been a transformation.Never have I felt so strong as I do now.....Physically and emotionally....Going through breast cancer, conquering breast cancer, has made me become a better, stronger version of ME..It has taught me to love and appreciate life more, never taking anything or anyone for granted, and it has given me the gift of realizing that I can do ANYTHING that I put my mind to…

Dara Michelle Koch
Hollywood, FL