I AM a survivor!

What a powerful statement that is...I AM a survivor! And I am more, I am a wife, a mother, a sister, an aunt, a friend and now a grandmother. How lucky am I to be all those things to all those people. How many lives have I touched. Countless... and in so many unknown ways. It would probably be best to mention that I have been a breast cancer survivor for almost 20 years now.

What a big & scary word...cancer. When you hear it, your whole world just stops on a dime and you don't comprehend a word after that. That's why it is important to have someone with you if possible. I was blessed with a wonderful mother that endured the entire treatment with me. She went to every chemo treatment and always tried to make it a better day for me. Unbelievably to us, in the treatment room, people would bring their bag lunches and eat during the process. We were both into the soap opera, The Young and the Restless and always tried to schedule my treatment while that was on to keep our minds off of what was happening. Then my mother would try and take me somewhere good and tasty for lunch. And wig shopping...what a hoot! Fortunately, I never did lose my hair during the chemo treatments, but what fun we had in shopping!

Another big word...brave. So many people told me how very brave I was. Sorry, but no, I was not brave. I was surviving. I took it one day at a time, got through it and started over the next day. Nothing brave about it.

Count me lucky though, lucky to be alive! Lucky to have loved and be loved! Lucky to have had such an incredible mother!

Linda Lee
Jacksonville, FL