I am a survivor

In october 2008 i went for a momogram. I new something wasn't right. It hurt on my left breast. So i wasn't surprised when they called me and told me they needed to do more testing. Around thanksving time i went for a biopsy. They didn't feel that it was cancer. Well they were wrong. It was cancer. My doctor called me on Dec. 1 and told me i had cancer. On December 18,2008 I had a double mastecomy. I do not regret that at all. I was 43yrs old. I have a husband and 2 children. I wanted to live. I didn't care if i had breast. I just wanted to be here with my family. I did reconstruction. I wish sometimes that i hadn't. Iam stronger than i ever thought. My husband stood by myside and is still by myside. I love him with all my heart. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with bladder cancer 2 months after i was diagnosed with breast cancer. Unfortunatly she did not survive. But she put up a hell of a fight. We have had cancer on both sides of our family. We have lost some and some have survied. Cancer is Evil! I wish we would find a cure and fast. Too many people are losing their battle. I am happy to be alive and with my family. I thank God for this I was lucky. We found it early. I did not have to take chemo or radiation. I will take a pill for the next 5 years. I feel the ones that have gone thru chemo or radition are the true heros. I have seen what people go thru. It's not pretty. . To all the people that have or will go thru cancer i wish you the best..

Chris Quigley
Warren, OH